The Unholy Blood Stained Land

Warning, this is a rant, you might not find logic in this but you will find facts and reality. People are dying, men women and children are dying, and the have been for generations, long before the current conflict and genocide, long before modern Israel, the European empires, the Crusaders, the Ottoman Empire, the Islamic... Continue Reading →

Capitalism’s Fatal Flaw

Capitalism is about the movement of capital, labor, goods, services, and money from person to business, business to person, business to business, and person to person. The employee has capital in the form of labor, businesses buy that capital and use it to make goods, another form of capital. Businesses sell their capital to people,... Continue Reading →

I Hate Rain

It gets everything wet, water gets everywhere. Mud gets on every side walk. All the dirt turns to mud, getting mud on your shoes when you walk around on coming people on the side walk. The shoulder ends up with so many puddles that you have to jump over when crossing the street. You never... Continue Reading →

Why I’m not cerebrating the 4th and haven’t in years.

I don't celebrate the Fourth of July, I haven't in years. When I look at my country I don't see anything worth celebrating, I see reason to morn. When I look at my country I see an artificial political divide, I see anti-democratic laws designed to ensure minority rule, I see individual right diapering, I... Continue Reading →

On the striking down of Row V Wade

I am a man, I respect women and their rights. I am a man, I do not fear women. I am a man, I see women as my equal not as property or factories. I am a man, I respect women. I am an adult, I respect the rights of others. I am an adult,... Continue Reading →

Thank you copycats, you made me hate something good.

I hate Amnesia The Dark Decent. It's not that it's a bad game, it's not that it's a bad horror game (though I'd say Penumbra Overture worked better as a horror game). I hate it because of what it spawned, all the Amnesia clones. I like Silent Hill games, Silent Hill 2 is number two... Continue Reading →

Purpose Leads to Misery

A purpose in life don't lead to happiness, or contentment, or anything positive, it only leads to a negative. It is sacrificing ones self for an idea, it takes away from who you are, diminishing your life. It means you are only as valuable as your purpose and how much you are fallowing it. Nihilism... Continue Reading →

Rant: Stupidity

I am not claiming to be smart, my inelegance is probably average. But one doesn’t have to smart to see how much stupid there is in the world today. Companies pay people as little as they can get away with while charging as much as they can get away with, completely ignoring the effects on... Continue Reading →

Don’t Be Grateful.

I've heard this from people in my family that, people should be grateful for what they have. Be grateful you have a job even if it's a shit job, be grateful you have a roof over your head, be grateful you woke up this morning. No. I'm not, and I shouldn't be. First: people kill... Continue Reading →

Unpopular truths that need to be said

Culture lies and people lie to themselves, they lie because the lies feel good in the short run, in the long run these lies only hurts. The truth, in the short run, can hurt but in the long run these truths help, these truths prevent people from acting on false information, prevents belief in false... Continue Reading →

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