The Captain vs The Computer

Captain Jakob Church, Captain of the UPS Constitution, first officer Commander Keps  Eke’eks a tall quasi insectoid with a grasshopper-like face, Doctor Leon McKee, and Engineer Barnard Alba stood in a room on a wayward colony ship. The Colony ship was heading towards a black hole when the Constitution stumbled upon it. Upon teleporting over... Continue Reading →

Brookhavon Hospital

Aran woke up in Brookhaven Hospital, not quite sure how he got there. His eyes burned and his head hurt. He knew he was in Silent Hill, he had to go there after what happened on Wednesday. He did stop at a bar on the way and the pills didn’t help. Aran swore off the... Continue Reading →

This Spell Makes Us Stupid

Taking a break from their adventure, the party rented a cabin in what was supposed to be a monster free place. Marcus Miand, the brave fighter and Wymond Adelina, the master Wizard sat at a table playing chess, Annelie Ian Sean, the pure Cleric, was polishing her mace, and Azra Scott, the kleptomaniac rogue was... Continue Reading →

10 One Sentence Stories: Lines heard by Saint Peter

He stood at the gates of heaven, before Saint Peter, covered in sewage, with an embarrassed expression and said: “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” “There was water everywhere, so I drank it.” “I don’t know how my boy turned out so bad, I beat ‘em every day.” “I know you had... Continue Reading →

Dungeon of Dan’s Disdain

Our heroes walked through the Dungeon of Dan’s Disdain, just trying to get through it. The main road was flooded, the roundabout route was covered in dead trees from a storm, and the forest spontaneously ignited when the party tried to go through it, so the dungeon was the shortest path. Deep into the dungeon... Continue Reading →

So sharp it will cut you if you look at it. Fixed

This is one of two stories I wrote a wile ago. The first one was supposed to be a one off based off a simple and immature joke, this is the second and a lot more mature. Now I have two more almost done. If I'm going to make these are series I can't just... Continue Reading →

“So, where are we going next?” The Wizard Asked, Fixed

This is one of two stories I wrote a wile ago. The first one was supposed to be a one off based off a simple and immature joke. Then I made another (more mature) and now I have two more almost done. If I'm going to make these are series I can't just name the... Continue Reading →

10 One Sentence Stories from the Life of Henry Briggs

Henry Briggs was  born on July 28th, 1985 to Brenda and Harper Briggs. Henry knew that if he did this he would be expelled from school, he’d have to face his father, and his fathers belt, but at that moment he didn’t care. At the first party his parents didn’t know about, in a closet... Continue Reading →

Professor Akkad and his Cigarette

Professor Akkad sat at a messy desk writing in a notebook, reports were displayed on his three monitors, notebooks were stacked on the right side of the table, a two day old bowl of chili was on the left side of the table next to an overflowing ashtray with a lit cigarette. Akkad wasn’t worried... Continue Reading →

Light and Black Mist

A man rows a canoe in a luminous lake. The  dim blue glow of the lake water illuminated his man’s copper skin, a light wind blew his black hair. He rowed through the lake to a dock near a black river flowing into the lake. The black water of the river quickly cleared as it... Continue Reading →

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