I don’t feel bad for sad Russian solders

There have been some videos and images of Russian solders who have been captured or surrendered, looking sad or calling their parents. I don't feel any sympathy or empathy, for these solders. I feel for the Ukrainian men women and children killed in this pointless war. The Russian solders could have said "no", every Russian... Continue Reading →

Too much winter

I've gone through much worse winters here in Colorado. But this winter has lasted too long, I'm tierd of white. I know there have been colder more snowy winters, I experienced a few but this winter feels like it it has taken so much longer. I'm tired of seeing white. Piles of snow slowly melting,... Continue Reading →

Depression, anger, shutting down, and the feedback loop.

I’ve been depressed, when I’m depressed I shut down. I’ve spent most of the week doing nothing but watching videos on Youtube not accomplishing anything. I’m in a bad moment in my life right now, I could end up living on the street by next week and couldn’t force myself to do what I need... Continue Reading →

I Don’t Want Customized Content!

I made a new Google account (I'm trying to leave some stuff behind) In doing so I had to deal with the privacy setting including turning off customized ads. I had to do the same thing when I got my laptop so Microsoft is even doing it. We all know (or should know) Twitter and... Continue Reading →

“Meant to happen”

We've all heard this saying in many forms. "I wasn't meant to happen," "if it's meant to happen it will," "it's part of Gods plan," "God has a plan," etc. I hate these sayings, I hate, hate, hate them. Bad things happen, bad things happen to good people for no reason what so ever. Good... Continue Reading →

Herbal Tea is not Tea (rant)

Tea comes from the Camellia Snensis, it is the plant that the tea leaf comes from, this plant is where black tea, green tea, oolong, etc comes from. Herbal tea is not made of tea leaves they're made of herbs (and usually taste nasty). Herbal tea is not tea as it is not made from... Continue Reading →


Happiness seems to be the goal of western culture (along with ‘success’ but I’ll get to that soon). It is even written into the US declaration of interdependence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these... Continue Reading →

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