What if Your Values Are Evil?

You hear some people talking about values, you hear it in the terms "value voter," and "traditional values". What these people never ask is "what if my values are wrong". So many never questions whether their values are good, bad, or evil. People just accept the values they were raised or indoctrinated into with out... Continue Reading →

Religion, tradition, and how one was raised

Religion, tradition, and how one was raised, are nothing more than excuses for immoral behavior. These are not reasons, these are not logical or rational, they are just pathetic excuses. All ideas stand or fall on their own, everything else are just excuses for immoral behavior. Reason, logic, and evidence are reasons, not the word... Continue Reading →

Age Kills Wisdom

“Age brings wisdom”, as the old saying says, another old saying is “fools think they are wise”. When the argument of "age brings wisdom" is made by older people, it can only be seen as claiming to have wisdom, but if the other saying is true then that claim of wisdom is a fool's claim.... Continue Reading →

Evil is Stupid and Stupidity is Evil

What is evil? What makes an action evil? What makes a person evil? What makes a person evil? Even moral philosophers struggle with these questions. There is no real consensus but there are some commonalities between all arguments, the number one commonality being that evil people harm others. Stupidity can harm others, in fact stupidity... Continue Reading →

People Lie

People lie, people lie to fit in, people lie because they want to believe, people lie because everyone else is lying, and people lie because being honest maybe dangerous. These lies become part of the culture and society. While some lies are innocuous many lies are harmful to individuals, people, societies, and the world. People... Continue Reading →

The Beauty and Freedom of Nihilism

Nihilism gets a bad rap, people look down on it, Nihilists are either portrayed as depressed, violent, or teenagers going through a goth or metal phase. When nihilism is portrayed it is always as life being absolutely meaningless, purposeless, and pointless. Nihilism is so much more than what it is portrayed, it has deep philosophical... Continue Reading →

Purpose Leads to Misery

A purpose in life don't lead to happiness, or contentment, or anything positive, it only leads to a negative. It is sacrificing ones self for an idea, it takes away from who you are, diminishing your life. It means you are only as valuable as your purpose and how much you are fallowing it. Nihilism... Continue Reading →

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