I Hate Rain

It gets everything wet, water gets everywhere. Mud gets on every side walk. All the dirt turns to mud, getting mud on your shoes when you walk around on coming people on the side walk. The shoulder ends up with so many puddles that you have to jump over when crossing the street. You never... Continue Reading →

Rant: Stupidity

I am not claiming to be smart, my inelegance is probably average. But one doesn’t have to smart to see how much stupid there is in the world today. Companies pay people as little as they can get away with while charging as much as they can get away with, completely ignoring the effects on... Continue Reading →

Don’t Be Grateful.

I've heard this from people in my family that, people should be grateful for what they have. Be grateful you have a job even if it's a shit job, be grateful you have a roof over your head, be grateful you woke up this morning. No. I'm not, and I shouldn't be. First: people kill... Continue Reading →

“Meant to happen”

We've all heard this saying in many forms. "I wasn't meant to happen," "if it's meant to happen it will," "it's part of Gods plan," "God has a plan," etc. I hate these sayings, I hate, hate, hate them. Bad things happen, bad things happen to good people for no reason what so ever. Good... Continue Reading →

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