Legal Loan Sharks Backed up by the Law

Imagine someone comes up to you and tells you that they will give you a hundred dollars, but you'll have to pay him a percentage of your income until he decides you can stop and when he decides you can stop paying him you have to pay him a balloon payment to get rid of... Continue Reading →

The Economic and Existential Threat of Shareholder Value.

The concept of shareholder value preexisted it's rise in popularity and even the phrase "shareholder value", the idea that a business is more than financially indebted to an inverter is an idea that an inverter would like. The concept of it didn't really take off until the 1960's when a not Nobel Prize winning economist... Continue Reading →

Rant: Stupidity

I am not claiming to be smart, my inelegance is probably average. But one doesn’t have to smart to see how much stupid there is in the world today. Companies pay people as little as they can get away with while charging as much as they can get away with, completely ignoring the effects on... Continue Reading →

For Profit Systems Are Destructive

This is not anti-capitalist, I am not a socialist. In fact capitalism supports what I am saying here. Making money is not a bad thing, making a profit is not a bad thing, but profit as a motivation is socially and economically destructive. A business sells a product, it makes a profit off the sells.... Continue Reading →

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