Feelings Don’t Matter

I am not talking about emotions, love, joy, fear, anger, etc, these do matter. I'm talking about felling smart, feeling strong, feeling right, feeling that something is good, right, wrong, or bad. These feelings don't matter, being and facts are what matter. Being smart, being strong, being right, that something is factually good, right, wrong,... Continue Reading →

The Importance of Failure

There is a saying, "you have to fail 99 times to succeed once," however it should be: you need to fail 99 time to truly succeed. This is because those who don't fail, or those who are in denial of their failures can never learn how to deal with failure, how to learn from failure,... Continue Reading →

Age Kills Wisdom

“Age brings wisdom”, as the old saying says, another old saying is “fools think they are wise”. When the argument of "age brings wisdom" is made by older people, it can only be seen as claiming to have wisdom, but if the other saying is true then that claim of wisdom is a fool's claim.... Continue Reading →

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