The Importance of Failure

There is a saying, "you have to fail 99 times to succeed once," however it should be: you need to fail 99 time to truly succeed. This is because those who don't fail, or those who are in denial of their failures can never learn how to deal with failure, how to learn from failure,... Continue Reading →

About Hard Work

We are told that hard work pays off, that if we work hard we can get that big position with a large salary and retire with enough money to live on until we die. We are told the rich are rich because they work harder (or smarter, but I'll get to that) than poor people.... Continue Reading →

A Little Hope

I'm so fucking tired of every facing thing.I just want to go to bed and live in a dream.Hide from the world and live my life dreaming.To be in a world made of what I deem. Away from the world of greed and scheming.It seems everyone wants to be a millionaire. They lie, and scheme,... Continue Reading →

Don’t Be Grateful.

I've heard this from people in my family that, people should be grateful for what they have. Be grateful you have a job even if it's a shit job, be grateful you have a roof over your head, be grateful you woke up this morning. No. I'm not, and I shouldn't be. First: people kill... Continue Reading →

Who Does Your Culture Benefit

It’s a simple question. Does it benefit the 90%, 50% 1%, or 0.1%? Does it benefit the government, corporations, or the people? Does it benefit the poor, middle class, or the wealthy? In America we have a saying: “Pull yourself up by your boot straps.” What are boot straps? A small loop on the back... Continue Reading →

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