Rant: Stupidity

I am not claiming to be smart, my inelegance is probably average. But one doesn’t have to smart to see how much stupid there is in the world today. Companies pay people as little as they can get away with while charging as much as they can get away with, completely ignoring the effects on the economy that strategy has,an economy they rely on. Then there is the very concept of shareholder value, valuing shareholders over customers and employees harms everyone, even the shareholders. By screwing over employees it causes employees not to care about their jobs ultimately leading to people leaving jobs seeking better ones. The lack of skilled or caring employees hurts the customer experience which leads to people buying less and screwing over the customer leads to people buying less because they don’t like to buy your stuff. This means less profit which then hurts shareholders. Looking at the news today you see the mete-“no we are defensively not second life”-verse and companies getting into the scam that are NFT’s all because of executives with FOMO. FOMO is stupid! Yes they may miss out on something they could make money on but is far more likely they will fall for scams or jump into something that will never make money.

The effects of stupidity are worse in politics. The political divide in America has caused the government to stall for years. The reality is most voters are closer to the center but politicians keep trying to appeal to the political wings giving those wings larger voices in the process. Most elected officials are out of touch career politicians who have no clue what is going on. The extreme of this exists in Russia which is run by a man who has been in power for twenty years and has caused a war that has killed thousands of men women and children all to jerk off his own ego and recreated a dead nation.

Stupidity has cause so much harm. There is a solution: don’t be stupid. It’s not hard.

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