The Unholy Blood Stained Land

Warning, this is a rant, you might not find logic in this but you will find facts and reality. People are dying, men women and children are dying, and the have been for generations, long before the current conflict and genocide, long before modern Israel, the European empires, the Crusaders, the Ottoman Empire, the Islamic... Continue Reading →

The Abject Failure of Self Driving Cars

In 2014 Elon Musk said self driving cares would be available in five to six years, that was ten years ago. In 2016 Musk announced that all Teslas built and 2016 and after had the hardware necessary for fully autonomous driving, eight years ago. In 2018 Musk said that self driving technology would be wide... Continue Reading →

On the Conflict in Palestine

Before I start there is something that must be said: Israel does not represent the Jewish peoples (yes peoples, plural), Israel only represents Israel. People outside of Israel who are culturally, ethnically and/or religiously Jewish are not represented by the Israeli government, Israeli people, or the actions of Israel. And those three are different categories.... Continue Reading →

Capitalism’s Fatal Flaw

Capitalism is about the movement of capital, labor, goods, services, and money from person to business, business to person, business to business, and person to person. The employee has capital in the form of labor, businesses buy that capital and use it to make goods, another form of capital. Businesses sell their capital to people,... Continue Reading →

“AI” is Already Failing

At the risk of giving techno fetishists a "told ya so!" I'm going to call it: The algorithms falsely advertised as "AIs" are already failing. I've already pointed how unimpressive "AI art" is, I've put the hype for "AI" in perspective of past tech failures, and I've pointed out how it is doomed. The doom... Continue Reading →

The Captain vs The Computer

Captain Jakob Church, Captain of the UPS Constitution, first officer Commander Keps  Eke’eks a tall quasi insectoid with a grasshopper-like face, Doctor Leon McKee, and Engineer Barnard Alba stood in a room on a wayward colony ship. The Colony ship was heading towards a black hole when the Constitution stumbled upon it. Upon teleporting over... Continue Reading →

100 Hour Games are 90 Hours too Long

I like games, I play games. In the past few years I've had little time to play games. Between work, other hobbies, and going back to school I've had little time to play. Now I'm between jobs, and between semesters (I was paying for collage myself so loosing my job meant I couldn't pay the... Continue Reading →

AI is Doomed

I've argued that "AI art" is doomed and I've put the "AI" hype into the perspective of past tech hype. Now I point out that AI itself is largely doomed. Amazon Fresh shopping cart.Source: Food & Wine - Amazon Opens Its First Full-Size Grocery Store It came out recently that Amazons just walk out service... Continue Reading →

What if Your Values Are Evil?

You hear some people talking about values, you hear it in the terms "value voter," and "traditional values". What these people never ask is "what if my values are wrong". So many never questions whether their values are good, bad, or evil. People just accept the values they were raised or indoctrinated into with out... Continue Reading →

Putting AI Hype into Perspective

The hype around "AI" is still high despite the reality of it, so much so that Microsoft seems to be betting Windows 12 on AI. I'm largely immune to hype, I'm middle aged now, and have been interested in technology. I remember a lot technologies that had been the "next big thing" only to fail... Continue Reading →

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