The Smart

The smart are not intrinsically smart, being smart is not something people are born with, it is something attained. Smart people are smart because they do smart things, they don’t do smart things because they are smart. It is something that comes out of thought and actions.

The smart surround themselves with people of varying opinions. The stupid surround themselves with people who agree with them.
Surrounding yourself with people who agree with you only creates an echo chamber that reinforces your existing beliefs regardless of if those beliefs are true or false, good or bad. By being exposed to a variety of (sometimes mutually exclusive) ideas, beliefs, and opinions it opens one up to these opinions which can lead to you changing ones mind to something that is more reflective of reality.

The smart surround themselves with people who call them on their bullshit. The stupid surround themselves with yes men.
If no one calls you on your bullshit how would you ever know it is bullshit? Without being called out on your bullshit it is easy to believe your bullshit is not bullshit. We all bullshit, we use some stupid ideas to rationalize something that we already believe or want to believe, and being called on our bullshit is the only way to recognize it is bullshit.

The smart don’t fear doubt, they use doubt to find the truth. The stupid are terrified of doubt.
Yes there are bad doubts but doubt in and of itself is not bad, it’s good. Doubt exposes flaws in ones ideas, beliefs, and opinions, and ultimately reinforce ideas, beliefs, and opinions that are more reflective of reality. Without doubts we would keep believing things we would otherwise know are stupid. Doubts themselves can be doubted, which exposes bad doubts.

The smart recognize when they are wrong. The stupid deny refuse to accept they are wrong.
We are human, we are limited, we have limited knowledge and understanding, and we have biases. This will make you wrong about somethings. Wrongness is inevitable, in fact we all are probably more wrong than we are right.

The smart are respectful to others, assholes are stupid.
Assholes alienate people around them including their friends and family, when they need help there is no one to help them. Being respectful and polite to others makes people like them thus when they need help, they get help, when they need someone, someone will be there for them.

The smart never stop learning. The stupid are satisfied with what little they know.
Learning new things can expose ones false ideas, beliefs, and opinions, and bring ones ideas, beliefs, and opinions closer to reflecting reality. Those who don’t learn stick to ideas, beliefs, and opinions that may not reflect reality. which is harmful to them, the people around them, and the world.

The smart change their mind. The stupid get stuck in their ways.
Sticking to beliefs and ideas that are wrong is harmful, harmful to oneself, to the people one cares about and to the world. Changing ones mind when one learns new information brings ones ideas, beliefs, and opinions closer to reflecting reality, which helps them, those they care about, and the world.

The smart don’t believe they are smart, they seek to be smart. They stupid believe they are smart.
Having an inflated sense of ones own knowledge and intelligence locks one into their ideas, beliefs, and opinions, and locks out contradictory information, even if all of reality says they are wrong. This hurts them, the people around them, and the world.

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