Purpose Leads to Misery

A purpose in life don’t lead to happiness, or contentment, or anything positive, it only leads to a negative. It is sacrificing ones self for an idea, it takes away from who you are, diminishing your life. It means you are only as valuable as your purpose and how much you are fallowing it. Nihilism can lead to happiness, joy, love, and hope. The knowledge that you are the product of probabilistic events, the chances that the combination of genetic traits and life events that make you who you are are so unlikely, yet when the dice were thrown they came up you, give life so much more value. It give all life and all people more value, it makes us all priceless. Saying we exist for a purpose diminishes our value as people, it means we art slaves to God, the gods, the fates, the universe, or whatever the purpose giver(s) are.

The obsession with purpose is at best a a small bandied on a gaping psychological wound that needs dealing with. People use purpose to cover up their issues, issues remain unresolved. When that purpose is doubted, broken, when one is alone with their thoughts, or when one is triggered, those issue come to the surface, unresolved. Issues need to be dealt with, not burred under weak bandied of a purpose. At worst it a tool to control and manipulate people. Powerful people, usually clergymen, convince people they they need a purpose, than give them a purpose that benefits the powerful, not the individuals. It’s no wander so many people who call themselves “pro-life” are also for the death penalty, because babies are tools to be used, and the criminals have violated their “purpose” and thus their live are valueless.

Nihilism leads to hope. Not only does it give life value, it says the world is a chaotic place (I’m using the scientific meaning of chaos). This means as bad as it gets, it can get better, because the circumstances are the result of incomprehensibly complex equations, with some of the variables likely probabilistic. It also tell you things can get worse meaning in the good times people must plan for the future, and future bad times, minimizing the bad times, and making future good times better.

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