Why I’m not cerebrating the 4th and haven’t in years.

I don’t celebrate the Fourth of July, I haven’t in years. When I look at my country I don’t see anything worth celebrating, I see reason to morn. When I look at my country I see an artificial political divide, I see anti-democratic laws designed to ensure minority rule, I see individual right diapering, I see lies and propaganda in the news and the schools, I see a congress, senate, and presidency in the hand of elderly men who are utterly disconnected from the way the world is, I see a growing economic divide, and a nation with a ruling class dominated by the religion of the market and the gun. It has been this way for years, it was this way even before trump, trump was not the disease, he’s a symptom. Nothing is getting better, it is getting worse.

I see nothing to celebrate, I see the fourth as a day of morning.

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