The Unholy Blood Stained Land

Warning, this is a rant, you might not find logic in this but you will find facts and reality.

People are dying, men women and children are dying, and the have been for generations, long before the current conflict and genocide, long before modern Israel, the European empires, the Crusaders, the Ottoman Empire, the Islamic Caliphate, The Byzantium/Eastern Roman Empire, the ancient Israelite’s all murdered people for the the land that has been dubbed ā€œthe holy land.ā€ The people of Judea tried to fight off the Romans, fighting an empire they had no chance of winning against, all because they thought God would help them. God did not help them, God did not try to help them, God wasn’t there, God didnā€™t care. If there is a God it doesnā€™t give a shit about that place, it never did. The only thing any god would give that land is the finger. All this death because people think and think that it is ā€œholyā€ which is just another word for ā€œmagicā€. You know who believes in magic? Children. You know who doesnā€™t believe in magic, adults. And yes if you think this blood stained land is ā€œholyā€ Iā€™m calling you a child, because you believe in magic!

This isn’t a tangent, this has a point. Here is a quick synopsis of the Trojan war: Some goddesses came down and asked a mortal man who was the prettiest, they all tried to bribe the man. He chose Aphrodite who gave him to him the most beautiful woman in the land as a bride. Except she was already married to the king of Sparta. After she was whisked away to Troy the King of Sparta got all of Grease, hundreds of ships and thousands of men together to go lay siege to Troy. Which they did for ten years until they built a wooden horse and pretending to leave. The Trojans took in the wooden Horse, a bunch of Greeks came out, opened the gates and the Greeks killed everyone. Also Achilles was there, a demigod son of the goddess Nereid, and the other Greek gods got involved as well. It is here you should realize that this is a mythological story, it wasnā€™t meant as fiction to the ancient Greeks but history, they believed this was real history, gods, demigods, and all. 

Troy was real, it was a real place and has been found. There is no evidence of this big war there, there is no evidence that the Trojan war happened at all. Troy was destroyed, multiple times but here is no evidence any Greeks were involved, or more specifically the Mycenaean’s who were the precursors to the Greeks. It is possible they were responsible for Troyā€™s destruction, but not thousands of men on hundreds of ships, and there is no evidence for the Trojan Horse. Troy was destroyed, either a survivor or one of the destroyers told the story to others, who told the story to others, who then told others. The story got modified, exaggerated, and mythologized until it was written down by Homer. Except Homer might not have existed. We donā€™t know who wrote it down, or even if it was one person. The whole thing is a myth, a mythical cultural story that may or may not be based on actual events.

This is how all myths work. They are mythical cultural stories that are spread orally until they are eventually written down and then canonized. Some based on real events and/or real people, some completely fictional. This is how Greek myths worked, this is how Egyptian myths worked, and this is how Abrahamic mythology worked. It is how the Torah, the Old Testament Bible, new Testament and even Qur’an worked. Itā€™s all myths, it is all mythology.

ā€œBut the bible mentions real places!ā€ New York is real, Spiderman isnā€™t, there are multiple Springfields but The Simpsons are not real, all the places mentioned in The Odyssey are real places, but the individuals, gods, witches, and Cyclopes that were mentioned in the Odyssey were not real. ā€œBut we found evidence for people mentioned in the Bible!ā€ Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Jerry Lewis, and Frank Sinatra are real and they all appeared in Superman comics, Superman and Metropolis are not real, many real people have appeared in The Simpsons, The Simpsons are not real, the movie Contact used a real speech given by President Clinton, Contact is fiction. These are stories, passed down orally, modified and mythologized over time. Some are based on real events, places, and/or real people, and some are complete fiction. Whether they are based on real events, places, and/or people, they are fiction. They are mythological cultural stories.

I’m not going to tell you that there is no God, I canā€™t know that just as you can’t know one does exist. But if there is it never gave a damn about that blood stained unholy land, and if it for some reason did, it had forsaken that land long ago. You wonā€™t find God there. And you wonā€™t find God in any Church, Synagogue, or Mosque. If there is a Devil, you will find it in that blood stained unholy land, and you would find it in the Churches, Synagogues, and Mosques, you would find it behind the pulpit preaching. Because the Abrahamic religions are evil. All organized religions are inherently evil but the Abrahamic religions are worse, because they are religions who claim to have the magical truth no other religions have and a god that will give one an eternal joyful afterlife to the faithful to it. 

There is no afterlife. All those murdered for this unholy blood stained land are gone, forever. Their lives cut short, all that they were and ever could have been was destroyed, all over a belief in magic, that that land is magical. These people were human sacrifices to that magical land and the Abrahamic God, there is no other way to put these murders but as human sacrifices. They are gone forever because of a infantile belief in magic.

Iā€™ve said this before and I will say it again, and I will say it many times: There is no afterlife. This is all we have. So live your life and enable others to live theirs. Do not wait for a hereafter that is not there and donā€™t let the lives of others be wasted because of circumstances and social or religious doctrine. Do not oppress or let others be oppressed. Oppression wastes resources, life, and lives. We are all in this together, and this is all we have!

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