Feelings Don’t Matter

I am not talking about emotions, love, joy, fear, anger, etc, these do matter. I'm talking about felling smart, feeling strong, feeling right, feeling that something is good, right, wrong, or bad. These feelings don't matter, being and facts are what matter. Being smart, being strong, being right, that something is factually good, right, wrong,... Continue Reading →

Capitalism’s Fatal Flaw

Capitalism is about the movement of capital, labor, goods, services, and money from person to business, business to person, business to business, and person to person. The employee has capital in the form of labor, businesses buy that capital and use it to make goods, another form of capital. Businesses sell their capital to people,... Continue Reading →

“AI” is Already Failing

At the risk of giving techno fetishists a "told ya so!" I'm going to call it: The algorithms falsely advertised as "AIs" are already failing. I've already pointed how unimpressive "AI art" is, I've put the hype for "AI" in perspective of past tech failures, and I've pointed out how it is doomed. The doom... Continue Reading →

What if Your Values Are Evil?

You hear some people talking about values, you hear it in the terms "value voter," and "traditional values". What these people never ask is "what if my values are wrong". So many never questions whether their values are good, bad, or evil. People just accept the values they were raised or indoctrinated into with out... Continue Reading →

Religion, tradition, and how one was raised

Religion, tradition, and how one was raised, are nothing more than excuses for immoral behavior. These are not reasons, these are not logical or rational, they are just pathetic excuses. All ideas stand or fall on their own, everything else are just excuses for immoral behavior. Reason, logic, and evidence are reasons, not the word... Continue Reading →

The Devil You Know

Some say "it's better the devil you know than the devil you don't". They fear the devil they don't know will be worse than the devil they do know. I disagree, I say kill the devil you know, and the next one will fear you. When you kill the devil you know the next devil,... Continue Reading →

People Lie

People lie, people lie to fit in, people lie because they want to believe, people lie because everyone else is lying, and people lie because being honest maybe dangerous. These lies become part of the culture and society. While some lies are innocuous many lies are harmful to individuals, people, societies, and the world. People... Continue Reading →

Technology Will Not Save Us

Technological utopianism is the belief that through technology we will solve the social and political problems we have. Through technology poverty, inequality, hunger, pollution, disease, crime, even death will be solved leading to a, sometimes communist but not always, utopia. Look around you, look at the technology we have. With the technology we have could... Continue Reading →

Don’t Be Grateful.

I've heard this from people in my family that, people should be grateful for what they have. Be grateful you have a job even if it's a shit job, be grateful you have a roof over your head, be grateful you woke up this morning. No. I'm not, and I shouldn't be. First: people kill... Continue Reading →

Unpopular truths that need to be said

Culture lies and people lie to themselves, they lie because the lies feel good in the short run, in the long run these lies only hurts. The truth, in the short run, can hurt but in the long run these truths help, these truths prevent people from acting on false information, prevents belief in false... Continue Reading →

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