High Bass Ruins Music

I have a neighbor that likes high bass music. I hate his music. Part of me keeps thinking that’s not music. Then I remind myself that the same things have been said about rock and rap, both of which I have enjoyed. High bass music is still music, it is just shit music.

When I listen to music I listen to music, I listen to how the sounds mix together, I listen to the lyrics, and I listen to the rhythms and how the beats and the rhythms changes (good songs don’t have constant beat but beat that will change at points in the song). For example, ska when the brass instruments mixes with guitar, or in Celtic punk when traditional Celtic music incitements mix with the rock or punk guitar sounds, it creates new sounds that can’t come from any single instrument. High bass masks these sounds replacing them with a repeated punch to the chest. The singer and the lyrics can be a vital part of a song, they don’t have to be deep or high brow (that can still be good), but good lyrics or a good singer can make a mediocre song great. The lyrics can be low brow, high brow, funny, or just tell and interesting story. Music can have complexity and nuance, complexity and nuance that is lost with too much bass and it is that complexity and nuance that makes music great.

Yes bass can be good, I’ve been to concerts, but that bass is real bass, the musicians haven’t turned the bass all the way up, it’s just coming from large speakers. I could still listen to the musics and hear the complexities and nuances of the music. The bass people have in their apartments or cars isn’t like that bass, it makes music loose the complexity and nuance, making the music bad. To make it all worse, that bass doesn’t feel good, with out the complexity and nuance of the music that repeated punch to the chest doesn’t feel good, the shaking of a car or building doesn’t feel good. It is just annoying, that high bass just ruins music. What makes it all worse is that it is impossible to escape, one can put on noise canceling headphones but it can still be felt and it does not feel good.

Image by Jennifer R. from Pixabay used in header image.

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